Pinnacle Partnerships

Partner Member Engagement Policy

Prospect, Lead, and Customer engagement is extremely important matters, since acquiring new clients is five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one.   In today’s digital-first world, it has never been more important to learn how to engage virtually.  Through prospect, lead, and customer engagement, a company can better understand their needs, preferences, and obtain constructive feedback.  This information can then be used to improve products and services, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately drive business growth.  Additionally, engaged prospects, leads, and customers are more likely to recommend a company to others, provide positive reviews, and become repeat buyers.  Therefore, developing, executing, continually improving, and maintaining an effective cohesive prospect, lead, and customer engagement strategy and policy is crucial for the success and longevity of our partner members, their businesses, and the Pinnacle Partnerships organization itself

Moreover, to ensure that Pinnacle Partnerships achieves and maintains a Zero Friction Culture, strict adherence to this policy is required by all.

Lead Assignment:

Leads generated from the Pinnacle Partnerships’ website and social media platforms, are communicated to via automated email addressed by the entire Pinnacle Partnerships’ partner membership as a whole.  This email welcomes the prospect and invites them to peruse Pinnacle Partnerships’ online resources.  The email details information on how to utilize the partnership directory and invites them to explore the talent of Pinnacle Partnerships’ partner members to choose a “best in class” partner member to assist them in completing their desired real estate transaction.  Then finally, the email invites them to connect or express interest with those partner members that they are interested in or choose from the directory.

To ensure that Pinnacle Partnerships’ partner members are assigned leads that they, themselves, referred to the Pinnacle Partnerships web page, each prospect/lead that completes an online form or requests access to the Pinnacle Partnerships’ partner member directory, will be asked to select the partner member that referred them to the site.  Upon completion of the form or subscription request, the referring partner member will receive an email notification of the prospect/leads access request and the prospect/lead will receive an automated email from the Pinnacle Partnerships partner member which they indicated was their referring partner member.  This email will thank them for requesting access to the Pinnacle Partnerships website and offer make them aware that they are their main contact for any transactional services or other needs. 

Partner Member Outreach to Leads List:

While the Pinnacle Partnerships website is designed for prospect/lead visiting the site to self-direct their contact/engagement with any and all Pinnacle Partnerships partner members, all partner members are provided with a list of prospects/leads that access our website.  All Pinnacle Partnerships partner members are permitted to reach out to the prospect/lead, themselves individually or through the partner members’ company/organization. However, all contact to that prospect/lead must first acknowledge to the prospect/lead the origin of the prospect/lead contact information (that being from their access to the Pinnacle Partnerships website) and contain the following introductory statement about the Pinnacle Partnerships organization. 

“Thank you for exploring the Pinnacle Partnerships website.  I hope that you found the information on Pinnacle Partnerships to be exciting and rewarding as to inspire your continued journey in real estate with us, whereby your transaction will be “Best of Class” and completed effectively, efficiently, and successfully in accordance with the utmost professional standards and best practices.  As a Pinnacle Partnerships partner member, I specialize in… [insert specific information from partner member reaching out]” … then the Pinnacle Partnerships partner member continue with their personal communication to the prospect/lead.

If the communication to the prospect/lead is in written or pictured form (electronically/digitally or physical material), it must also contain the Pinnacle Partnerships Logo/Seal of partner membership prominently displayed near the Pinnacle Partnerships partner members logo.  The Pinnacle Partnerships website address must also be included prominently with the Pinnacle Partnerships Logo/Seal.

All written forms of outreach must include an “opt out of future outreach” link that will automatically remove prospects from future communications.  If partner members are unable to provide this ability, then they must work with the Pinnacle Partnerships Administrative Leadership to access the Pinnacle Partnerships email system to reach out to prospects generated in this manner.

Cross-Selling Pinnacle Partnerships partner members:

Cross-selling Pinnacle Partnerships partner members is a powerful marketing tool to the Pinnacle Partnerships organization and all of its’ partner members.  It is suggested that cross-selling recommendations be tailored to the prospect/lead’s needs and that all Pinnacle Partnerships partner members recommend that the prospect/lead review the Pinnacle Partnerships partner membership directory to find the best fit for their needs.  Additionally, each partner member is to offer solicited feedback to prospect/leads and customers whereupon the partner requests that the prospect/lead review the directory and then talk through their decision process whereby the partner can provide constructive feedback in correlation to the prospect/leads thoughts for their selected partner member and need.

Cross-Selling & Creation of a Transactional Team Committee:

The ultimate goal of the act of cross-selling Pinnacle Partnerships partner members is the outcome whereby the partner member creates a transactional team committee (two or more partner members) that will work together avidly and according to ‘best practices’ to complete the transaction for the acquired customer from the prospect/lead funnel. 

If there is no referral partner member for a prospect/lead that was acquired to take up the helm as team leader, then each transaction team committee will self-appoint a main transaction team leader so to guide and counsel the transaction team committee throughout the transaction and direct the Pinnacle Partnerships Administrative Leadership in their post-sale/close duties (see below).

Communication with Pinnacle Partnerships’ website generated prospect/lead:

Successful client relationships is all about proper communication with prospects/leads.  To ensure this success, it is critical to have rules in place that allow for this communication to be ethical, meaningful, respectful, and effective. Every interaction that a prospective customer has with the Pinnacle Partnerships organization and any of its partner membership will leave an impression.

Word of mouth spreads quickly, and if prospects/leads are not provided a positive experience, partner members and Pinnacle Partnerships, as an organization, will quickly lose the ability to build trust and gain a long-term reputation among our target audience. 

All Pinnacle Partnerships partner members will use the following standards regarding communication:

  • Use of an individualized email template with the Pinnacle Partnerships required introductory statement (see above) and logo for all initial outreach to prospect/leads.
  • The limitation of cold call/email attempts to 2 times per week and if unable to make contact a short voicemail.
  • If no contact is made after 8 attempts via combined email and phone call over the course of 1 month, partner members are to cease contact in order to not pester unresponsive contacts.
  • All partner members are to reply to prospect inquiries within 24 hours, even if just to acknowledge receipt and indicate follow-up timing.
  • All partner members are to use ethical practices and never make false or exaggerated claims about the Pinnacle Partnerships organization, their talents and abilities, the talents and abilities of any other partner members, or their product/service or that of any other partner members.
  • All communication should be personalized by each Pinnacle Partnerships partner member rather than generic from Pinnacle Partnerships.
  • All sales product/services content shared with prospects should be value-led and appropriate for the stage of the transaction journey that the prospect/lead is at during the time of contact.

Communication with post-sale/close Pinnacle Partnerships’ partner member customer:

The work is not done once the customer transaction is closed.  It is now time to ensure that conversion is achieved whereby the customer becomes a client which will lead to future sales/closing transactions for the partner member and the Pinnacle Partnerships partner membership.

Follow-up and handover for post-transaction evaluation of success, efficiency, and effectiveness is essential to Pinnacle Partnerships engagement success and that of each Pinnacle Partnerships partner member.   Each Pinnacle Partnerships partner member is required to follow this post-close process for every customer onboarded from a Pinnacle Partnerships prospect/lead funnel:

  • After completing a customer closing, schedule a post-transaction evaluation of success handoff meeting with the required Pinnacle Partnerships Administrative Leadership within 2 days.
  • After completing a customer closing, mail/email a personalized thank you letter to the customer following the required format along with the required Pinnacle Partnerships logo, etc., and referencing their offer to help them again with their next real estate need whether transactional or informational (a transfer of knowledge). Additionally, the letter must ask for a referral whereby the partner member offers to help someone that they might think needs the specialization of the partner member. 
  • The Pinnacle Partnerships partner member main transaction team leader must participate in the first client interaction from the Administrative Leadership either in person, via live telephone, or written format (physical or email). All written format will include the names of all Pinnacle Partnerships partner members that were involved in the customer’s transaction (part of the transaction committee team).

Commitment to addressing broken policy and policy evaluation and improvement:

The utmost importance of this policy is to ensure that the entire Pinnacle Partnerships partner membership feels that this policy is fair and administered equally.  The policy and adherence to the policy is understood to be required by all partner members and in no application arbitrary.  It is therefore, that Pinnacle Partnerships is open to all critique of this policy and any and all suggestions from its partner members for its improvement whereby the policy will be revised in consultation with the entire partner membership and approved by vote of the majority.

Confidentiality of Transactions:

Pinnacle Partnerships and all partner members of Pinnacle Partnerships is committed to customer and customer transaction confidentiality.  No partner member is to disclose any information involving any customer or customer transaction to anyone outside of the Pinnacle Partnership Transaction Team Committee unless explicitly authorized to do so by the customer in writing.   This requirement shall continue to exist after the close of the transaction and all partner members are liable for failure to adhere to this requirement for each and every customer and customer transaction.


Pinnacle Partnerships and all partner members of Pinnacle Partnerships is committed to 100% Zero Fail Transparency.  At no time during the prospect/lead and customer relationship shall Pinnacle Partnerships and/or Pinnacle Partnerships partner member(s) not be 100% transparent in all dealing involving the customer and the customer transaction, unless restricted by the professional standards of their duties.  

Efficiency. Effectiveness. Success. Sustainability.

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© 2024 Pinnacle Partnerships

Pinnacle Partnerships is owned and operated by the Van Orden Enterprise Group of Companies.

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