Pinnacle Partnerships

Co-Marketing Member Agreement

This Co-Marketing Partnership Member Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into effective as of [date], by and between Vanguard Orchestrated Ecosystems, LLC., [VOE] a New Jersey Limited Liability Corporation and Holding Company of Funding Opportunities America, LLC., [FOA] with its principal place of business at 1610 US Hwy 206, Bedminster, NJ 07921 (“Partnership Founding Company” [PFC]), and [Partnership Member Company Name], a [state/country of incorporation] corporation, with its principal place of business at [Partnership Member Company Address] (“Partnership Member Company” [PMC]).


  1. Purpose.

This Agreement establishes the terms and conditions under which the parties will engage in partnering activities to mutually promote their respective products/services via participation in a networking referral co-marketing program entitled Pinnacle Partnerships [PP], see Core Value Statement Exhibit 1.


  1. Responsibilities of the Parties.


2.1 Partnership Founding Company [PFC] Responsibilities.


  • Digital Marketing Materials: PFC agrees to provide marketing materials, such as logos, banners, and promotional content, to be used in digital social media co-marketing activities.
  • Promotional Activities: PFC agrees to actively participate in agreed-upon promotional activities, including but not limited to joint advertising campaigns, webinars, events, and social media promotions.
  • Brand Guidelines: PFC agrees to adhere to PPs’ brand guidelines, as developed in conjunction with the PMCs, and to ensure that all co-marketing materials are in alignment with the brand standards.
  • Engagement Guidelines: PFC agrees to adhere to PPs’ customer/prospect engage guidelines, as developed in conjunction with the PMCs, and to ensure that all PP and PMC engagement is are in alignment with these engagement standards.
  • Virtual Meeting Place: PFC agrees to coordinate and host one virtual meeting a month at which time an agenda will take Partners through a series of initiatives as listed below:
  • Exchange ideas, resources, and expertise.
  • Establish a referral supply chain.
  • Collaborate on transactions to execute best practices.
  • Originate and manage projects aligned with market and industry dynamics to enhance client satisfaction.


2.2 Partnership Member Company” [PMC] Responsibilities.

  • Conceptual Generalization: PMC agrees to support, advocate, and commit time, effort, and engagement/participation to the entity/organization, Pinnacle Partnerships [PP], as a co-marketing partner referral network and member-benefit professional association.
  • Marketing Channels: PMC agrees to promote PP and the collective products and services of its members through its marketing channels and web presence including but not limited to their social media platforms and website.
  • Content Creation: PMC agrees to provide content and may volunteer to develop co-marketing materials, subject to review and approval according to PP brand guidelines.
  • Compliance: PMC agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the promotion of the PP organization and all PMC member products or services.
  • Virtual Meeting Participation: PMC agrees, to the best of their ability, to participate in all 12 of the virtual monthly meetings as an active participant. If unable, the Partner will make every effort to assign an alternate participant.
  • Use/Display of PP membership collateral (seal of membership, etc.): PMC agrees to display and include in/on all their company marketing and organizational collateral (including digital collateral) all required PP marketing/membership collateral. 


  1. Co-Marketing Activities Beyond Social Media.

The parties agree to collaborate on the following required co-marketing activities:


  • Joint Webinars: Participation in PP webinars to present, inform, and deliberate market knowledge, industry trends, problem-solving techniques and methods, and best practices.
  • Content Creation: Collaboration in the creation of PP blog posts, case studies, whitepapers, or other content that communicates the vision, mission, objectives, and value of PP.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Active engagement with stakeholders (including clients, industry associations, regulators, and other relevant parties) to build trust, foster collaboration, and enhance the reputation of PP and its membership.
  • Client Value Optimization: Focus on maximization of value for clients by delivering high-quality services, seamless transitions, and personalized solutions tailored to client and PP needs.
  • Robust Referral Network: Development and implementation of a structured referral supply system among PP members to increase client referrals and expand business opportunities.
  • Knowledge Exchange: Facilitation of regular forums, workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions among PP members to exchange insights, best practices, and industry trends.
  • Industry Innovation: Fosterage of a culture of innovation by encouraging members to explore new approaches, technologies, and strategies to address industry challenges and enhance PPs’ and PMCs’ service delivery.
  • Market Intelligence: Collection and analyzation of market data and industry insights to provide PP and PMCs with valuable information for informed decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Industry Advocacy: Advocation of policies and initiatives that promote transparency, integrity, and professionalism.
  • Growth and Expansion: Expansion of reach and influence of PP by attracting new members, forging strategic partnerships, and exploring opportunities for geographic or sectoral growth.
  • Collaborative Transactional Execution: Encouragement of PP and PMCs to collaborate on transactions when hired by clients, leveraging PP and all PMC’s strengths to ensure successful execution and client satisfaction.
  • Social Media Sharing: Dynamic engagement in social media on multiple levels (PP & PMCs), where engagement includes but is not limited to; posting, sharing posts, liking, following, and reposting content for the PP and all PMCs.
  • Referral List: Enthusiastic sharing of referral lists of all prospects and customers with PP and PMCs according to PP Engagement Guidelines. 


  1. Co-Marketing Activities With Additional Cost To Partner Members – Optional.
  • Professional Development: Provide resources and opportunities for continuous learning and development.
  • Events: Co-sponsoring PP and PMC events, activities, & other occurrences.
  • Collaborative Project Ideation & Execution: Encourage members to collaborate on the creation and establishment of project committees with focus beyond that of PP’s immediate purview to leverage the strengths of PP and the PP PMCs to ensure continued growth, innovation, evolution, administration, operation and management of PP and its PMCs.


  1. Membership Benefits.

All parties agree to extend the following benefits to each other as part of PP:

  • Access to Resources: Sharing industry insights, research, and resources to enhance marketing efforts and mutual understanding.
  • Priority Support: Provide support to PMCs for resolving issues or inquiries related to PP.
  • Exclusive Offers: Extending exclusive discounts, promotions, and incentives on products or services to PP PMCs and their customers/clients.


  1. Monthly Meetings.

All parties agree to attend and actively participate in a virtual meeting held once a month, lasting approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.


  1. Membership Costs.

PP Partner Membership is free of charge and only requires a commitment of time from each PMC.  Each PMC is required to commit to participate in all 12 virtual monthly meetings as an active participant. 


  1. Additional Member-Funded Initiatives

PMCs (entire group or sub-groups) may organize, manage, and co-fund the following activities:

  • Paid Advertising: PMCs may collectively fund paid advertising campaigns to promote PP and/or PMC specific products/services.
  • Marketing Materials: PMCs may pool resources to develop and distribute marketing materials, such as brochures, videos, or infographics, to promote PP or PMC joint offerings.
  • Events, Seminars, and Other Hosted Activities: PMCs may coordinate and share the costs of hosting events, seminars, or other activities aimed at promoting the partnership or educating customers about joint offerings.

All Additional Member-Funded Initiatives that include any combination of PMCs must adhere to PP’s Engagement Guidelines, Brand Guidelines, and all relevant organizational policies of the PP.


  1. Managing Goals and Evaluating Activities

All parties agree to:

  • Set Clear Goals: Establish clear, measurable goals for the PP, such as increasing brand visibility, generating leads, or driving sales.
  • Regular Evaluation: Conduct periodic evaluations to assess the effectiveness of co-marketing activities in achieving the established goals.
  • Adjustment of Strategies: Modify co-marketing strategies as needed based on evaluation results.
  • Prospecting and Business Development: Continuously evaluate the PP’s effectiveness in prospecting new business, obtaining referrals, and working on transactions with PMCs.


  1. Intellectual Property

Each party shall retain all rights, title, and interest in its respective trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. Neither party shall acquire any rights, express or implied, in the other party’s intellectual property except as expressly provided for in this agreement.


PFC shall retain all rights, title, and interest in its respective trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property of the PP and any additional coordinated initiatives resulting from the PP Organization.


  1. Confidentiality

All parties agree to treat any confidential information exchanged during the partnership as confidential and not to disclose it to any third party without prior written consent, except as required by law.


  1. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on the effective date and continue until terminated by either party upon 90-days written notice to the other party. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon written notice for a material breach by the other party.


  1. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Jersey without regard to its conflict of law principles.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.


Partnership Founder Company, PFC


By: ________________________________________________[Signature]


Name: Richard P. Van Orden, Jr.

Title: President


Date: [Date]


[Partner Company Name], PMC


By: ________________________________________________[Signature]


Name: [Printed Name]

Title: [Title]


Date: [Date]












Exhibit 1


A Synergy of Excellence in Real Estate Services

At Pinnacle Partnerships, we are more than just a network; we are a congregation of the finest professionals in the real estate industry. Our unique collaborative platform unites a diverse range of experts, including real estate brokers, title company representatives, home inspection specialists, legal advisers in real estate, financial planners, insurance providers, and accountants/CPAs.


Our Vision

To create world class Partnerships that provide “Best In Class” Transactional Support to our clients and fosters integral meaningful collaborations resulting in unparalleled Partner Marketing Program and Referral Supply Chain for its members.


Our Mission

“Our mission is to cultivate a collaborative ecosystem of real estate transactional service professions, uniting top-tier professionals to:


  • Exchange ideas, resources, and expertise,
  • Establish a robust referral supply chain, and
  • Collaborate on transactions to execute best practices successfully, and
  • Originate and manage projects aligned with market and industry dynamics to enhance client satisfaction.
  • Through these strategic partnerships and shared industry insights, we endeavor to raise the standards of our profession while fostering innovation and sustainable growth.


Our overarching objective is to establish a seamless referral network among our members, ensuring smooth client transitions and optimizing value for all stakeholders.


Collectively, we are dedicated to shaping the future trajectory of our industry, catalyzing positive transformations, and consistently delivering exceptional outcomes for our clients.”



Stakeholder Engagement

Actively engage with stakeholders, including clients, industry associations, regulators, and other relevant parties, to build trust, foster collaboration, and enhance the reputation of the collaborative entity.

Market Intelligence

Collect and analyze market data and industry insights to provide members with valuable information for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Client Value Optimization

Focus on maximizing value for clients by delivering high-quality services, seamless transitions, and personalized solutions tailored to their needs.

Collaborative Project Execution

Encourage members to collaborate on transactions and projects, leveraging each other’s strengths to ensure successful execution and client satisfaction.


Robust Referral Network

Develop and implement a structured referral system among members to increase client referrals and expand business opportunities.

Industry Innovation

Foster a culture of innovation by encouraging members to explore new approaches, technologies, and strategies to address industry challenges and enhance service delivery.

Expert Knowledge Exchange

Facilitate regular forums, workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions among members to exchange insights, best practices, and industry trends.

Industry Advocacy

Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote transparency, integrity, and professionalism within the real estate transactional service professions.

Collaborative Project Execution

Encourage members to collaborate on transactions and projects, leveraging each other’s strengths to ensure successful execution and client satisfaction.

Growth & Expansion

Expand the reach and influence of the collaborative entity by attracting new members, forging strategic partnerships, and exploring opportunities for geographic or sectoral expansion.

Efficiency. Effectiveness. Success. Sustainability.

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© 2024 Pinnacle Partnerships

Pinnacle Partnerships is owned and operated by the Van Orden Enterprise Group of Companies.

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